Follow along as Jarrett restores a real old truck, a 1956 Ford F100.
From picture book to real life. Meet my new old truck, a ’56 Ford F100. After months of searching, I found it hiding in South Carolina. Last weekend, my buddy @jimmy22_22 and I roadtripped 48 hours there and back to rescue it. Now it’s sitting safe in my garage waiting for what comes next… #staytuned #theoldtruckIRL #theoldtruck #1956 #ford #f100
Been getting to know this old truck. It was born in Norfolk, VA. It still has its original 223 I-6, which still runs. It’s got the original 3-speed trans, but a former owner flipped the “three on the tree” to lefty. Now it shifts backwards and upside down. :/ From what I can tell, it’s been a few shades of blue and a deep red at least once, but it came from the factory diamond blue (light blue). #moretocome #theoldtruck #theoldtruckirl #1956 #ford #f100 #1956fordf100
Overdue for an update. Been busy offline with other projects, but finally got the truck situated. It looks a little silly parked sideways in my garage (my neighbors look at me funny), but it was necessary if I want this camera angle, which I do (you’ll understand why when you see the book). Now the real work can start. More updates—and progress—to come. #theoldtruck #theoldtruckirl #1956 #ford #f100
Progress! Once I got it up on jack stands and the wheels out the way, the rear fender and running board practically uninstalled themselves. That front fender, on the other hand… It killed me, y’all. #iwillpersist #rustyboltssuck #theoldtruckirl #1956 #ford #f100 #restoration
I’m about to take some heat to the rusted bolts on the front fender. Since I’ve been using all sorts of flammable chemicals on those things, and since I’d rather not burn down my house, I decided to empty the gas tank. Here’s an easy and safe way to do it when you don’t have a siphon pump. #theoldtruck #theoldtruckirl #f1956 #ford #f100 #restoration #kidlit #picturebooks #childrensbooks #usefulskills #lifelessons
Today was a good day. Got the stubborn fender off. Took cutting off the bolts to do it. The door was a casualty but needed to come off anyway. Tackling the other side next. Then the engine comes out. Things are moving. #theoldtruck #theoldtruckirl #1956#ford #f100 #restoration #kidlit #picturebooks #childrensbooks
It’s all coming together...or should I say apart... 😊 #theoldtruck #theoldtruckirl #1956#ford #f100 #restoration#picturebooks #childrensbooks #kidlit
Big thanks to my brother-in-law @joshslye. He came up for the weekend to help me pull the engine and transmission. Couldn’t have done it without him. Both are now off for rebuilds. Next up: stripping the bed and cab. #staytuned #theoldtruck #theoldtruckirl #1956 #ford #f100 #frameoff #restoration #picturebooks #childrensbooks #kidlit
I actually had two helpers this weekend. One was @joshslye. The other was cuter…
This one’s for my fellow #STEM #nerds. A word problem:
If Jarrett can fit one whole old truck in one half of his garage, how many whole garages does he need to fit one half of an old truck...that’s in a dozen pieces? 🤔
This is the best answer I have for now. No idea what I’m gonna do when the cab comes off or when I start the body work on the panels. Definitely won’t be piling them on top of each other then. #thingsaregettingtight #dontworry #illfiguresomethingout #theoldtruck #theoldtruckbook #theoldtruckirl #1956 #ford #f100 #frameoff #restoration #picturebooks #kidlit #childrensbooks #author #authorillustrator #authormechanic
I needed help. So I asked the Internet for it.
Didn’t get it…
How to beat the Texas heat with an old truck...
1. Remove the bench seat.
2. Kick up your feet with a big-ass fan and an ice-cold Topo.
Work has been slow. It’s hot, y’all. 🥵
#theoldtruckirl #theoldtruck #howto#kidlit #picturebook #picturebooks#childrensbook #oldtrucks #1956#ford #f100 #frameoff #restoration#projects #hot #topochico#supercarbonated #water #fans#beattheheat #texas
It was hot, dirty, and kinda scary, but I got it done. Learning as I go with all this. Will do some things differently next time. (Why’d I make that cart so tall?) Happy with the results, though. Next up: the suspension’s coming off.
#theoldtruckIRL #theoldtruck #theoldtruckbook #picturebook #picturebooks #kidlit #childrensbooks #1956 #ford #f100 #frameoff #restoration #projects #oldtrucks #dreamandpersist
Even with a shorter cart, moving around the cab of an old truck is still tricky.
Found myself doing something right out of a David Shannon book.
*Okay, not really. Probably more like a third of the way. But getting the truck apart so I can finally start rebuilding it certainly FEELS like half the battle. So I’m celebrating. Look out for a giveaway soon.
#theoldtruck #theoldtruckIRL #picturebook #kidlit #1956 #ford #f100 #frameoff #restoration #project #oldtrucks #trucks #giveaway #giveawayalert #childrensbookstagram
When you’re working on an old truck in the sweltering heat, it’s easy to forget you’re not the only one getting hot.
To celebrate making it “halfway,” I’m running a giveaway on Instagram for these custom Yeti Colsters! UPDATE: Giveaway closed.
My daily grind for the moment. (See what I did there?)
The frame is coming along. More dirt than rust, but the scale is the real killer. Trying to remove as much as I can. Reserving blasting for the hard-to-get-to areas. I’ll keep going. #theoldtruckIRL #theoldtruck #picturebooks #kidlit #frameoff #restoration #1956 #ford #f100 #projecttruck #project #oldtrucks #trucks #hardwork #dreambig #persist
Things ARE moving on this old truck, even though my lack of updates might suggest otherwise. The body work has started. Got the cab and panels media blasted and primed for better inspection. Much easier to see the rust damage and previous repairs. Lots to fix. The front of the hood is in bad shape. Might end up just replacing it. We’ll see. More updates, more frequently coming.
Oh, and I know I still owe y’all an update on the rabbit hole that is the frame. Actually, maybe it’s more black hole than rabbit hole... I’ll let you know once I find my way out.
#theoldtruck #theoldtruckIRL #picturebook #kidlit #1956 #ford #f100 #frameoff #restoration #project #oldtrucks #trucks
Holidays done. Book launch wrapped. Good time for an update on #theoldtruckIRL. New metal came in for cab corners, door bottoms, and rocker panels. The bed is a total replacement. A previous owner welded diamond plate into it (ugh) and we couldn’t salvage it. Also replacing the hood—just too much rust damage. Got all the new metal from @dcfordrestorationparts. Good stuff.
And then there’s the frame. It must have been jealous of how much time I gave the body panels because it started getting all needy on me. It wanted all the time. All the tools. All the Topo(!). For the sake of our relationship, we took a break over the holidays. We both needed some space. We’re reconnecting this week. I’ll let you know how it goes.
#theoldtruck #theoldtruckbook #picturebook #childrensbooks #truck #trucks #1956 #ford #f100 #fordf100 #frameoff #restoration #project #truckrestoration
Holy rusted metal, y’all. Next time, I’m rescuing an old truck from the desert. 🌵
Body work continues on #theoldtruckIRL. The cab is braced and ready for surgery. In addition to cab corners and rocker panels, we’re now replacing both cowl panels and both inner fenders. The floor pans and firewall look okay at the moment. We’ll see what else needs replacing once we dig in. 🤞
#theoldtruck #picturebook #childrensbook #truck #trucks #1956 #ford #f100 #fordf100 #frameoff #restoration #project #truckrestoration #classictrucks #classictruckrestoration
Right side patches in place. New cowl, door bottom, rocker, and cab corner. Steady progress.
#theoldtruckirl #theoldtruck #theoldtruckbook #picturebook #childrensbooks #trucks #oldtrucks #classictrucks #1956 #56 #56ford #ford #f100 #fordf100 #frameoff #restoration #truckrestoration #classictruckrestoration
Coronavirus ain’t the only thing that’s contagious, y’all. While you’re out there hoarding all the TP, don’t forget to smile. Smiles spread from person to person too, no matter the distance.
Working on a big update to #theoldtruckIRL for next week hopefully. It concerns the frame and this leaf spring. Stay tuned, stay safe, and share some happiness. 🙂
#theoldtruck #theoldtruckbook #picturebook #childrensbooks #trucks #oldtrucks #classictrucks #1956 #56 #56ford #ford #f100 #fordf100 #frameoff #restoration #truckrestoration #classictruckrestoration #midfiftyf100parts
Shop class. #homeschooling
Hope everyone’s doing okay. We’re staying home and staying busy. That update on #theoldtruckIRL is still coming. Got some parts I was waiting on and some help to get the work done. Getting there.
#theoldtruck #theoldtruckbook #picturebook #childrensbooks #trucks #oldtrucks #classictrucks #1956 #56 #ford #f100 #56ford #fordf100 #frameoff #restoration #truckrestoration #classictruckrestoration #shopclass
It’s been a minute since my last update. Sorry about that, but, you know, 2020. Things are moving. The frame is done—finally. Bodywork is still ongoing. The front left fender needed a lot of attention, which it’s getting now. Couldn’t save the running boards; new ones are on order. Had to replace the crossmembers in the bed. Lots happening and lots more to do, but it’s starting to look like an old truck again. Thanks for hanging in there with me.
#theoldtruck #theoldtruckirl #theoldtruckbook #picturebook #childrensbooks #trucks #oldtrucks #classictrucks #1956 #56 #ford #f100 #56ford #fordf100 #frameoff #restoration #truckrestoration #classictruckrestoration
It’s a big day. We’ve finally made it to the booth. Prepping for paint.
#theoldtruck #theoldtruckirl #theoldtruckbook #picturebook #childrensbooks #trucks #oldtrucks #classictrucks #1956 #56 #ford #f100 #56ford #fordf100 #frameoff #restoration #truckrestoration #classictruckrestoration
Might as well have been labeled “Old Truck Red” in the swatch book. Perfect.
#theoldtruck #theoldtruckirl #theoldtruckbook #picturebook #childrensbooks #trucks #oldtrucks #classictrucks #ford #f100 #1956 #56 #56ford #fordf100 #frameoffrestoration #frameoff #restoration #truckrestoration #classictruckrestoration
Someone was feeling a little jealous with all this talk lately of an old boat. So here’s an overdue update. Bodywork and paint are done. #TheOldTruckIRL made it back to the home garage today. Panels are temporarily fitted. It’ll all be coming apart again for final assembly. Bumpers and grille still out being chromed. A whole lot more to go. There’s no bed in the bed. There’s no engine under the hood. No interior on the interior. This is just the body on a rolling frame. Taking it a step at at time. We’ll get there.
#patientperseverance #theoldtruck #theoldtruckirl #theoldtruckbook #picturebook #childrensbook #trucks #oldtrucks #classictrucks #ford #f100 #1956 #56 #56ford #fordf100 #frameoffrestoration #frameoff #restoration #truckrestoration #classictruckrestoration