
Jarrett and Jerome use a mix of traditional and digital media when they make art. Stamp-making falls in the traditional bucket. For THE OLD TRUCK, they made over 250 individual stamps. Here’s a peek at their process.

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Watch Jerome make a stamp of a tractor.

Watch Jarrett stamp parts of a Martian bio dome.

Learn how to make a print of a chicken like the ones Jarrett and Jerome created for THE OLD TRUCK in this short how-to video.

Dave Eggers invited Jarrett and Jerome to make a piece for his show THE DRAWING SHOW, which raises awareness and money for ScholarMatch. ScholarMatch helps kids get through college—kids who wouldn’t have the opportunity otherwise.

THE DRAWING SHOW works like this: Artists draw things. Viewers buy those drawings. All the proceeds go to ScholarMatch. If you’d like to buy this drawing, e-mail He will cheerily help you.

Jarrett and Jerome wanted to say thanks to all the essential workers who worked tirelessly to keep the world safe and healthy and moving through the COVID-19 pandemic. They made stamps of different trucks, each representing a different type of essential worker, and then used those stamps to print paper puppets that they animated.